About me

Jasmin Bolli
Jasmin Bolli

I accompany people in professional, private and health concerns. As my career shows, a holistic view on people is very important to me in my work (physical-mental-mental and energetic approach).


Clients are allowed to reflect and question their behavioural patterns in a safe and protected environment. Perceive and express their feelings. To rediscover themselves again and experience inner changes. I work on the cognitive level, involve the body and perceptions, so that recognition and understanding can take place on deep levels. 


My many years of therapeutic training also enable me to holistically accompany people with illnesses, crises and in conflict situations.  



2018 - today     Own practice for complementary therapy (integrativ kinesiology                                method), Zurich
2011 - today     Own practice for business coaching & initiatic therapy, Zurich
2024 - today     Job Coach at Stiftung Enzian (part-time), Zurich
2022 - 2023       Job Coach at the sanatorium (psychiatry) in Kilchberg, Zurich
2018 - 2021       Course instructor at Newplacement Academy, Zurich 
2015 - 2018       Counselor at contact point against domestic violence, Aarau 

2010 - 2011       Co-therapeutic internship, Privat Klinik Heiligenfeld; specialized                                  clinic for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy with                                          a humanistic and depth-psychological approach; D-Bad Kissingen

2006 - 2008       Personnel consultant and business coach at an international                                      recruitment agency, Zurich

1994 - 2005       Broker in the financial sector, Zurich, Lausanne and New York;

                            3 years in management position 


- Further training in trauma pedagogy in the children's home, Thalwil, University    Psychiatric Clinic, Basel, Switzerland (2022-2024)

- Complementary therapy training, kinesiology method (industry certificate)   

  IKAMED, Zurich, Switzerland (2018-2022)

- SVEB 5, Didactically designing learning events for adults, (in progress)

- SVEB 4, Designing educational programs for adults, (in progress)
- SVEB 3, Supporting individual learning processes, (in progress)

- SVEB 2, Group processes in learning events

  University of Applied Sciences, Olten, Switzerland

- SVEB 1, certificate course instructor, aeB, Lucerne, Switzerland

- Further training in psychopathology in childhood and adolescence,

  IKAMED Zurich, Switzerland

- Certificate in Initiatic Therapy (according to Dürckheim) and Transpersonal     

  Psychology & Psychotherapy (converges with today's psychotherapy training in

  Germany and the EU), Rütte-Forum, Germany

- MAS Systemic Solution-Oriented Coaching

  University of Applied Sciences, Olten, Switzerland

- CAS Systemic Solution-Oriented Coaching

  University of Applied Sciences, Olten, Switzerland

- CAS Counseling in Practice

   ZHAW IAP Institute of Applied Psychology, Zurich Switzerland