Credit Suisse, Zurich        S. SPäNI

"Ms. Jasmin Bolli worked as an external coach for Credit Suisse AG for two years. She accompanied employees with signs of exhaustion-depression or stress-related illnesses. Through regular exchanges with those affected, I, as the head of internal health management at the time, was informed about how the treatments were progressing and what positive changes Ms. Bolli was able to achieve. We were impressed by the breadth of the coaching sessions."


"It was amazing how quickly most clients regained their strength and were thus able to meet the high demands of the workplace again without interruption."


"Ms. Bolli has the talent to put herself very well into the situation of our bank employees, as she herself once worked in this industry. We consider this a great advantage, as the patients immediately felt understood."

M.T., Therapist

"I particularly appreciate that she is able to address unpleasant topics concretely with her sensitive manner or to point out boundaries without being hurtful. Her constructive solution-oriented manner helps to be able to look at one's own shadow at all and to integrate it into life. For me Jasmin Bolli is a big area in my life and I thank her for this form of support and loving cooperation."

Erwin Schmitt (former Chief Doctor)

"When dealing with patients, she demonstrated a high level of empathy, radiated calmness, and patients felt well taken care of, which allowed them to open up to their innermost selves."

H.K., Managing Director

"Because of her trustworthiness and mediation skills, she always handled even difficult clients to their complete satisfaction."

R.H., Managing Director, Velcor SA, Zurich

"With her high degree of self-motivation, she positively influenced her employees and led her team to excellent results. She was universally recognized and appreciated as a leader and broker, and was regarded as an open person to talk to."

H. K., course participant mindfulness training

"The authentic course leader led the mindfulness exercise safely and confidently in a relaxed and calm atmosphere. By her way of leading and also her calm communication she helped the participants to find their way into the exercise after a long working day."


"As a course leader, Ms. Bolli should maintain to respond individually to the participants, to adapt the program flexibly according to the needs."



"Ms. Bolli was an extremely pleasant and open course instructor, who accompanied us all in a motivating and supportive manner. She has accompanied the heterogeneity and the difficulties that can exist in such groups extremely competently. I found the course very helpful and supportive."

E. Schmitt, former Chief Doctor, Heiligenfeld Clinic, Bad Kissingen (D)

 "She demonstrated an exceptionally sophisticated perceptiveness, a very comprehensive psychodynamic understanding coupled with warmth and humanity."  


"She carried out 140 individual treatments in Initiatic Bodywork according to Karlfried Graf Dürkheim, which she documented by video. This work was supervised by a specialist. We can attest to Mrs. Bolli's extremely healing effect, e.g. for patients with complex traumatization."


"She empathetically and skillfully supports the process by engaging completely with the client's inner world. This makes you feel seen, heard and deeply understood."  

Human Resources, Energy Group

"Knowing that the solution will emerge from the client, she gives impulses where necessary or leaves space where something wants to emerge from itself. In doing so, she is so flexible and mindful that she unobtrusively accompanies deep processes."

S. F., body therapist

"It promotes the handling of feelings, creates space for personal expression of these emotional worlds, while also steadfastly "holding" and accompanying through especially strong emotional outbursts. Therefore, it is excellent for crisis situations and trauma processing."

R.M. at JPMorgan Chase, London

"Jasmin showed an ability to handle conflict, and defused many situations under pressure. I very much enjoyed working with her, and would highly recommend her character."

I.S., Head of Unit

"She was able to reach victims on an empathic level and guide them in a resource and solution-oriented manner."

I.D., Executive

"Ms. Bolli has waked me up from my reality at the moment that my "Asian-mindset" is supposed  to adjust on western world, where I live in Europe. That idea had changed "me" to be another "ME". I am more self-confident, calmer, have more self-esteem, self-integrity and most of all, I only thinK POSITIVE for my future." 

Project Manager in Banking, M.H.

"Ms. Bolli managed to keep all participants interested and active with their diverse professional backgrounds and life circumstances and to create a climate of trust. As a result, the entire group benefited from many individual contributions from the participants - 1+1 clearly added up to more than 2 here ... Ins. her practical background from business, her versatility and her expertise and experience as a coach of many years distinguishes her as a master in her field, always with a lot of joy in and passion for the cause. Just good :-)"

W.S., Journalist

"Ms. Bolli is a positive thinker. Very uplifting. My self-doubt dwindled with each coaching session. Not that only praise gushed out of Ms. Bolli's mouth. On the contrary. If there was something to criticize, she did it. But she took my perspective on it, and that is: How does my application most likely lead to success? I really appreciated the fact that Ms. Bolli addressed vagueness, non-target or even inappropriate things without beating about the bush. At the same time, she gave good reasons for her opinion and pointed out possible solutions. And when there was actually something to praise, she praised. I experienced the coaching as a fluent and structured learning process, where every step climbed gave me a better view of my professional future. The working atmosphere was very pleasant at all times and characterized by mutual appreciation. (The last sentence sounds pigeonholed, but I mean it)"